Please properly dispose old knowledge
Greetings! I have a confession to make. When I learn something, I tend to expect that knowledge to remain inviolate and don't continually check to be sure that it hasn't changed. This is a Very Bad Thing®© TM in the programming world. Coding conventions and guidance change all the time. Still, as humans, we are loath to replace old, time worn techniques with new ones. Disposing done wrong For example, I learned from the .NET Framework 2.0's documentation that the IDisposable pattern consists of a "public void Dispose()" method, a "protected void Dispose(bool disposing)" method, and a finalizer. The first method calls the second with true and then removes the object from the finalization queue. The last method calls the second with false. All actual disposing happens in the protected method. using System; public class ResourceUser : IDisposable { bool m_disposed; ~ResourceUser() ...